Oracle VirtualBox 7.0.18, Vagrant 2.4.1 and Packer 1.10.3

Oracle VirtualBox 7.0.18

VirtualBox 7.0.18 has been released.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve installed it on my Windows 10 and 11 machines. Both gave me issues, which I put down to the new version of VirtualBox, but on further investigation it was actually because of my new Vagrant box builds.

If I used the new version of VirtualBox with the old version of my Vagrant boxes the builds worked fine. If I tried to use one of the newly built Vagrant box versions it failed with this error.

The SSH connection was unexpectedly closed by the remote end. This
usually indicates that SSH within the guest machine was unable to
properly start up. Please boot the VM in GUI mode to check whether
it is booting properly.

I tried using “config.ssh.keep_alive = true” in the Vagrantfile, but that didn’t help. I’m continuing to investigate the issue, but it seems like VirtualBox 7.0.18 is working fine. It’s something with my box builds which is the problem.

Vagrant 2.4.1

Releases of VirtualBox prompt me to check for new versions of Vagrant. The current version is Vagrant 2.4.1. All my test systems are built with Vagrant, so I installed it as well.

If you are new to Vagrant and want to learn, you might find this useful.

Once you understand that, I found the best way of learning more was to look at builds done by other people. You can see all my Vagrant builds here.

I’ll be doing some updates to my Oracle builds over the coming days, so this will get a lot of testing.

Packer 1.10.3

I use Packer to rebuild my Vagrant boxes (Oracle Linux 7, 8 and 9) so they have the latest guest additions. For the reasons mentioned above I’ve not released the new version of the Vagrant boxes yet. You can see the old ones here.

If you are interested in creating your own Packer builds, you might take inspiration from mine, available here.

Once I get to the bottom of the SSH issues on the new builds I’ll update the boxes.

How did it all go?

Most things worked fine. As mentioned there is an issue with my Vagrant box builds, but I’m assuming that is something on my side of things. 🙂

What about the VirtualBox GUI?

Just a quick warning. I do everything using Vagrant, so I rarely look at the VirtualBox GUI. Remember, when I say everything worked fine, I mean for what I use.



Oracle Database 23ai : How it affects me…

Oracle have released Oracle Database 23ai. You can watch the announcement video here, and read the announcement blog post here.

I don’t think I can add much to that, but I just want to talk about how this affects me as a customer and as a content creator.

Customer View

We’ve been waiting for Oracle Database 23 for a very long time. As I mentioned in this post, most of the upgrades I’ve been asked to do in my career are not driven by new features. They are driven by a need to stay in support.

Database upgrades are pretty simple from a technical perspective, but from a project perspective they are a nightmare. It takes ages to get everyone to agree to them, and then an eternity to actually test things before progressing to production. Any delays have a massive impact on this process.

We are in the process of migrating loads of our databases off Oracle Linux 7 and on to Oracle Linux 8 or 9 depending on 3rd party vendor support. We have to go through a whole testing cycle to complete this. If Oracle 23 had been released last year, many of these migrations would have gone directly to the new OS and new database version. You can argue the virtues of doing things separately or as a big bang, but our reality is testing resources are our biggest blocker, so having to test all our systems twice, once for the OS migration and once for the DB migration, represents a problem.

The delay of Oracle 23 on-prem has been a big headache. When I saw the announcement of Oracle Database 23ai I was sure it would include the on-prem version of the database. It does not. That was a bitter disappointment!

Content Creator View

I realise most of the people reading this are not content creators, and these issues are unlikely to affect you, but here goes…

Over the last 18 months I’ve written a bunch of articles. With the release of 23c Free I was able to publish most of them. As part of the Oracle community hype machine we’ve been encouraged to produce as much content about 23c as possible. There are a lot of us that will either have to go back and edit our 23c content, or leave the internet full of content for a version that doesn’t exist.

For the most part 23ai is just 23c with a different badge, so much of this can be done with a search and replace, along with the appropriate redirects. Where it is a bigger problem is for those that have published videos on YouTube, as those need to be redone and republished. There is no quick in-place edit. I’m one of the lucky ones here, as I made the decision to wait for the on-prem release before starting any videos, but some people will have a really painful job to do if they want things to keep current.

What I’m doing now

I’ve started the process.

My 23c index page now redirects to 23ai. It still contains all the 23c articles, but over the coming weeks they will change. All the old URLs will be redirected, so the world won’t be filled with broken links. It’s just going to take some time. If any of you notice any problems, just give me a shout.

I updated my vagrant builds. The 23c Free on OL8 build is now 23ai Free on OL8 build. There is also an OL9 build. You can find them here.

The original article about this OL8 build has been amended, and there is a new one for OL9.

The first step on the journey…


So I’m a few steps back compared to where I was before the announcement. I’m still waiting for the on-prem release, and now I’ve got to rework a bunch of existing content…

We are already seeing some backlash against AI in the tech press. I hope the new name doesn’t come back to haunt Oracle.



PS. Of course it’s all my own fault.

When Auditing Attacks

I had a particularly annoying problem with Oracle auditing a few days ago. I thought I would write about it here in case anybody knows a solution, or if anyone at Oracle cares to add the functionality I need. 🙂

The problem

I was asked to audit selects against tables in a particular schema when issued by several users. For the sake of this post let’s assume the following.

  • SCHEMAOWNER : The owner of the tables that are to be audited.
  • USER1, USER2, USER3 : The three users whose select statements are to be audited.

So I decided the write an audit policy.

Option 1 : Audit all selects, regardless of schema

My first thought was to do this.

create audit policy my_select_policy
actions select
when q'~ sys_context('userenv', 'session_user') in ('USER1','USER2','USER3') ~'
evaluate per session

The problem is it produced masses of audit records, most of which were referencing selects against objects owned by other schemas. I have so many records I can’t actually purge the audit trail. I’m having to wait until the next partition is created in a month, so I can drop the current partition and shrink the data files. 🙁

Option 2 : Explicitly list all objects to be audited

So I need to make the policy more granular, which I can do by explicitly referencing all objects I want to audit, like this.

create audit policy my_select_policy
actions select on schemaowner.tab1,
select on schemaowner.tab2,
select on schemaowner.tab3
when q'~ sys_context('userenv', 'session_user') in ('USER1','USER2','USER3') ~'
evaluate per session

The problem is there are loads of tables in the schema, so doing this is a pain. I could generate the statement using a script, but even then if someone adds a new table the audit policy wouldn’t pick it up.

What I really want

What I really want is to be able to limit the action to a specific schema. The specific syntax is not important. The result is what matters. Maybe something like this.

-- Use and explicit schema reference,
create audit policy my_select_policy
actions select on schema schemaowner
when q'~ sys_context('userenv', 'session_user') in ('USER1','USER2','USER3') ~'
evaluate per session


I don’t believe the current syntax for audit policies allows them to be limited by schema, so I’m faced with generating masses of unnecessary audit records, or having to explicitly name every table. 🙁

This all sounded kind-of familiar, and when I did a bit of Googling I found this note by Pete Finnigan. So I’m not alone in finding this frustrating.



HP-UX and Oracle 11g : Don’t let the door hit you on ass on the way out…

We had a pretty momentous occasion recently. We finally got rid of the last of our HP-UX servers, and with it the last of our Oracle 11g databases and Oracle Forms apps.

We use VMware virtual machines running Oracle Linux for nearly all our databases. We pushed really hard over the last couple of years to get everything migrated to 19c. Despite this, there were two projects that were left behind on HP-UX and Oracle 11g. They were effectively dead projects, from the time before we moved to Oracle Cloud Apps, about 5 years ago. We couldn’t get rid of them because people wanted to look at the historical data, but there was very little appetite to do anything with them…

Finally, over the last year we’ve had an archive project running, which involved moving the databases on to Oracle Linux and upgrading to 19c. That bit was easy. The other bit of the project involved building two new APEX apps to replace a 3rd party application and an old Oracle Forms 11g app. Those went live a few months ago, but there was still a lot of reluctance to actually decommission the old systems.

Recently we finally got the approval to turn off the old systems, and decommission the old HP-UX kit. When the change went through the Change Advisory Board (CAB) it was such a relief…

The kit is now decommissioned, and I’ve just been clearing the agents out of Cloud Control, so it’s finally over. No more HP-UX. No more Oracle 11g. No more Oracle Forms…

Now all we have to do is replace a whole load of Oracle Linux 7 servers, and get ready to upgrade to the next long term release of the database… 🙂



Search Trends and Oracle

Please read the update before jumping to any conclusions. 🙂

I was chatting with some folks the other day and the question was raised about if we had seen a decline in our website activity. Since the vast majority of my website traffic comes from Google searches, I figured the obvious thing to do was to look at what is happening on Google Trends in terms of search terms. That way we were not focusing on the popularity of a specific site, but on searches in general. That resulted in this rather alarming graph showing a trend over the last 20 years.

I guess we all thought this decline was at the expense of another engine, so our obvious next thought was to compare against the other relational database engines. One of the guys suggested we also compare the word “database” as well, just to see. This is the resulting graph.

It should be noted we tried variations on “sql server” and “postgresql”, but they didn’t affect the searches. Feel free to try for yourself. 🙂

So the decline in searches was not restricted to Oracle. You may notice this is related to “All Categories” of search, and the word “oracle” is not specific to the database, so I tried in “Computers & Electronics”, and we got a similar result.

For subsequent searches I switched back to “All Categories”.

If we switch to the last 5 years, things seem to have levelled off somewhat.

So the next question was if NoSQL databases were eating into the relational database market. A straight search looked interesting.

But what happens when we add Oracle back into the mix. Does the rise in popularity of some NoSQL databases account for the drop in searches for relational databases?

It doesn’t look like it. The gains in some NoSQL databases are insignificant compared to the reductions in searches for relational databases.

So we are left with a question. Why is there a drop off in searches for relational databases, when there doesn’t seem to be a corresponding uptick in alternatives?

Update : So what is really going on?

The graphs are not absolute search numbers, but normalised compared to the total Google searches that happened. Back in the day only geeks were Googling, so tech searches were a comparatively high percentage. Now everyone is Googling, the proportion of tech searches is much lower compared to the random stuff. Check out the FAQ about Google Trends data. So in our case, the trend over time of an individual term is not so important as the comparison between two search terms over time, as both should be affected in a similar way by the normalisation…

What we can see is over time the searches for different relational engines have got closer. If we are using the number of searches as a proxy for popularity, then it seems it’s a much closer game now than before.



PS. Thanks to the folks that pointed me in the right direction about Google Trends.

PPS. I noticed the switch from 12c to 19c searches over recent years.

The Oracle ACE Program : My 18 Year Anniversary

It’s April 1st, which means it’s my 18th year anniversary of being an Oracle ACE.

As usual I’ll mention some of the other anniversaries that will happen throughout this year.

  • 29 years working with Oracle technology in August. (August 1995)
  • 24 years doing my website in July. (Original name: 03 July 2000 or current name: 31 August 2001)
  • 19 years blogging in June. (15 June 2005)
  • 18 years on the Oracle ACE Program. (01 April 2006)
  • 9 years doing videos on my YouTube channel, with some breaks of course.

Fingers crossed for next year…



APEX : Keeping up to date is so easy…

Over the years I’ve extolled the virtues of Oracle Application Express (APEX) because of the ease of development. I think low code tools are a massive boon to productivity. Of course there are some tasks that need alternative tools, but for many scenarios low code tools are awesome.

Something else I find really appealing about APEX is the ease of upgrades. I’m not talking about how easy it is to apply the upgrade itself, because updating Java and Tomcat versions on a server is really easy too. I mean how simple it is from a wider perspective.

I was the first person in my company to use APEX. I used it to write some utility type applications, when it was still “forbidden”. Some of these applications were written over a decade ago, and they are still working fine. In that time we’ve had regular APEX upgrades, and they’ve just kept going. No refactoring. No drama.

Of course, they aren’t using all of the new features that were added in subsequent releases, but the important thing is all that development investment was not impacted by staying on the latest APEX release and patch set. In comparison, updating some of our other platforms and frameworks is a nightmare, requiring substantial development effort and testing.

So it’s not just about improving productivity during the development phase. It’s also about the reduction in the total cost of ownership (from a development perspective) over the lifespan of the application.

Just thought I would share that thought, as I upgrade & patch some production systems… 🙂



Oracle VirtualBox 7.0.14

VirtualBox 7.0.14 has been released.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve installed it on my Windows 10 and 11 machines with no drama.

Vagrant 2.4.0

Vagrant 2.4.0 is still the current release, so no change there.

If you are new to Vagrant and want to learn, you might find this useful.

Once you understand that, I found the best way of learning more was to look at builds done by other people. You can see all my Vagrant builds here.

I’ve updated my Vagrant builds to include the latest Oracle patches, along with GraalVM, ORDS, SQLcl and Tomcat.

Packer 1.10.0

I use Packer to rebuild my Vagrant boxes (Oracle Linux 7, 8 and 9) so they have the latest guest additions. The current set of boxes were built using Packer 1.10.0. The new version of the boxes can be seen here.

If you are interested in creating your own Packer builds, you might take inspiration from mine, available here.

Packer has been warning about using built in plugins for some time. This version doesn’t use built in plugins at all, so I had to do the following (in bold) to load the plugins, so I could perform a build.

set PATH=%USERPROFILE%\u01\software\hashicorp\packer_1.10.0_windows_amd64;%PATH%
packer plugins install
packer plugins install

cd \git\oraclebase\vagrant\packer\ol9

packer build -only virtualbox-iso ol9.json

How did it all go?

The new versions of VirtualBox and Packer worked fine. 🙂

What about the VirtualBox GUI?

Just a quick warning. I do everything using Vagrant, so I rarely look at the VirtualBox GUI. Remember, when I say everything worked fine, I mean for what I use.



Oracle Database 19c on Oracle Linux 9 (OL9): Installation Articles and Vagrant Builds

Earlier this year I wrote a rant about the lack of product certifications on Oracle Linux 9 (OL9).

One of the points I made was we are having to replace OL7 servers, but were forced to go to OL8 because Oracle 19c was not certified on OL9, and Oracle 23c on-prem is not available.

This blog post by Mike DieTrich changed all that because now 19c is certified on OL9, provided you are on patch 19.19 or above, and are on the correct version of UEK or the RHEL kernel. See Mike’s post for details.

Installation Articles

Of course, this triggered some installation articles.

Vagrant Builds

There are database, RAC and Data Guard vagrant builds here.

Odd Occurrence

I noticed something a little odd when doing these builds using the 19.21 RU patches.

For the database and Data Guard builds I used the DB RU and OJVM combo patch, and I was still forced to fake the distribution using the CV_ASSUME_DISTID environment variable. For the RAC build I used the GI RU and OJVM combo patch, and I didn’t need to fake the distribution.

I went back to the DB build, and instead used the GI RU and OJVM combo patch, and I no longer needed to fake the distribution. So it looks like there is something different about the database patches between these two types of RUs that slightly affect the installation process. It’s no big deal, but it might catch you out.

Oracle 19c is old. Why do you care?

We are in the process of replacing a load of VMs that are currently running OL7, and we want to go to OL9. Prior to this announcement were were going to have to do one of two things.

  • Migrate to 19c on OL8, which would be OK for 23c when it drops, but not ideal as building an OL8 box now seems like a fail.
  • Wait for 23c on-prem to drop and move to 23c on OL9. The problem here is we could run out of time waiting for 23c to come.

This announcement gives us a new option.

  • Migrate to 19c on OL9, then upgrade to 23c when the on-prem version drops.

This third option is way better for us!


There are a couple of things to remember.

  • You need to be on 19c to upgrade to 23c, so getting your 19c database on an OS that is supported for 23c is important. We’ve had confirmation that 23c will be available for OL8 and OL9 on release.
  • The extended support waiver for 19c was increased from 1 year to 2 years. Mike also wrote about this here. That means you get free extended support for 19c until April 30, 2026.


This is massive for us. I’m very happy!



Oracle VirtualBox 7.0.12, Vagrant 2.4.0 and Packer 1.9.4

Oracle VirtualBox 7.0.12

VirtualBox 7.0.12 has been released.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve installed it on my Windows 10 and 11 machines with no drama.

Vagrant 2.4.0

Releases of VirtualBox prompt me to check for new versions of Vagrant. The current version is Vagrant 2.4.0. All my test systems are built with Vagrant, so I installed it as well.

If you are new to Vagrant and want to learn, you might find this useful.

Once you understand that, I found the best way of learning more was to look at builds done by other people. You can see all my Vagrant builds here.

I’ll be doing some updates to my Oracle builds over the coming days, so this will get a lot of testing.

Packer 1.9.4

I use Packer to rebuild my Vagrant boxes (Oracle Linux 7, 8 and 9) so they have the latest guest additions. The current set of boxes were built using Packer 1.9.4. The new version of the boxes can be seen here.

If you are interested in creating your own Packer builds, you might take inspiration from mine, available here.

How did it all go?

The new versions of VirtualBox, Packer and Vagrant all did their jobs fine. 🙂

What about the VirtualBox GUI?

Just a quick warning. I do everything using Vagrant, so I rarely look at the VirtualBox GUI. Remember, when I say everything worked fine, I mean for what I use.

