Video : Oracle Data Pump 21c and Cloud Object Stores

In today’s video we’ll use Oracle Data Pump 21c to export to, and import from, a cloud object store.

The video is based on this article.

You might find the following articles useful as part of the setup.

The star of today’s video is Markus Michalewicz, the Vice President of Product Management; Database High Availability, Scalability, MAA & Cloud Migration at Oracle. That’s a bit of a mouthful. 🙂



Data Pump Between Database Versions : It’s not just about the VERSION parameter! (Time Zone Files)

I was doing a small “quick” data transfer between two servers. The source was 19c and the destination was 18c, so I used the VERSION parameter during the export.

expdp … version=18 directory=…

The export went fine, but when I started the import I immediately got this error.

ORA-39002: invalid operation

A little Googling and I came across MOS Doc ID 2482971.1. In short, the time zone file was different between the two databases.

No problem. I know how to fix that, and both databases had the January quarterly patches applied, so the latest time zone files would be available right? Wrong. The 18c database was already at the maximum time zone version that was installed, and I needed to be one higher to match the 19c database.

After some Googling I re-found MOS Doc ID 412160.1. As soon as I opened it I remembered it. I find this note really messy an confusing, but the section labelled “C.1.d) DST patches list” had the list of patches, which is what I needed. I downloaded the patch to match the time zone file version of the source system and applied it with OPatch in the normal way. Always read the patch notes!!!

Once the new time zone file was in place in, it was time to update it in the database. I’ve written about this before.

Once the time zone file versions matched, the import worked as expected. Although the small data transfer that I expected to be quick had turned into a much bigger job. 🙂

I can’t remember if I’ve hit this issue before, but I don’t remember it. I guess I’ve just been lucky with the time zone file versions matching. This note is to remind myself, it’s not just about the VERSION parameter! I’ve also updated a couple of articles with pointers about this.



PS. It seems the later releases are more sensitive to time zone file differences than previous releases.