Prometheus (3D)

I went to see Prometheus at the start of the month and wrote about it here.

A few days ago some friends asked me if I wanted to go with them to see it in 3D, so I did.

In 2D, the opening sequence was amazing. In 3D it was a bit of a let down. The opening credits (being 3D) jumped out at you and distracted from scenes behind. As for the rest of the film, some scenes worked and others didn’t. Pretty much any time there is movement, 3D sucks.

If I had gone to see the film in 3D first, I think my impression of it would have been quite different. If you have yet to see it, please go to the 2D version!



PS. The Spiderman trailer was a mess in 3D. All of us commented on it being just a big blur. Truly terrible. I think the film will be good though (in 2D).


Let me start by saying, I’m a big fan of all the Alien films, even Alien 3, which seems to be the least liked. Having said that, if someone said I had to pick one it would always be Alien. I watch that film several times a month. 🙂 Ridley Scott is renowned for being uncompromising, so I went into Prometheus with some seriously high expectations, which always worries me as it kinda sets you up for a fall…

The opening sequence of Prometheus is quite possibly the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen on film. As I watched it I thought it was probably worth the ÂŁ6 just to see that on a big screen…

If you’ve seen the trailer, you know what’s going to happen. A star map found on ancient ruins all over the earth is seen as an invitation to visit some alien world, whose inhabitants may be the key to the origins of life on earth. We go to visit and things may not be as they seem…

One of the really annoying things about the first Alien film is we are introduced to the Space Jockey, the big alien on the bridge of the space ship they find, but we never know who they are or why they are there. Prometheus is a prequel to the the Alien films, but focuses almost exclusively on the Space Jockey aliens, so at last we know something about them…

I won’t say too much about what happens, because I think it will spoil the ride, but suffice to say it answers a lot of questions about the Space Jockey aliens and the origin of the aliens from the Alien and AvP films. I think it is a fantastic addition to collection and as soon as it is released on DVD is will buy it. Hopefully I will see it again next week when I go to the cinema with some mates.

Noomi Rapace is unusual, in that her face looks completely different from every angle it is viewed from. She was great in the original Swedish versions of (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest) and I think she works well here. She is in fantastic shape in this film. She looks so strong and athletic. She is very much the Ellen Ripley style character of this film.

Michael Fassbender is incredible as the android/synthetic/artifical person on this mission. He gives me the creeps. There is a great introduction video to the “David 8” model here. It’s not a spoiler, but it gives you a feel for the spookiness of the David 8 character.

The rest of the characters are fine, but as far as I’m concerned, the film is really about these two characters.

So in summary, Prometheus more than lived up to my expectations. If you are a fan of the Alien films I would be surprised if you don’t love it.



Update: You might want to check out Peter Weyland’s 2023 TED talk here. No spoiler. Just a viral advert.