VirtualBox 5.2.20

VirtualBox 5.2.20 was released yesterday USA time.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve only installed it on my Windows 10 PC at work. I’m trying to decide if installing it on my laptop, the day before I leave for OOW18 is a good idea. 🙂



Update: I bit the bullet and installed it on my laptop. Seems to work fine there tool.

ORDS, SQLcl and SQL Developer 18.3 Updates (VirtualBox, Vagrant, Docker)

A few days ago we got version 18.3 of a bunch of Oracle tools.

Over the weekend I updated some of my VirtualBox and Vagrant builds to include these versions. If you want to play around with them you can see them on GitHub here.

I also updated my ORDS Docker container build, which uses both ORDS and SQLcl. You can find this on GitHub here.

I use this container for live demos of ORDS, as well as a demo for my “DBA Does Docker” talk, which I am doing at Oracle OpenWorld this year.

I put the latest versions of SQL Developer and SQLcl on my laptop. I’m doing an analytic functions talk at Oracle Code One this year. The demos use SQLcl on my laptop connecting to Autonomous Transaction Proccessing (ATP) on Oracle Cloud. I had a little bit of drama with SQLcl on Saturday, which turned out to be PEBCAK. I thought “SET ECHO ON” wasn’t working, but it turned out I had a “login.sql” file in the path that contained “SET TERMOUT OFF”. Once I removed that setting the demos ran fine. 🙂

I’m going to put a freeze on changing my stuff until after OpenWorld and Code One. Honest. 🙂



VirtualBox and Vagrant : New RAC Stuff and Changes

There were a lot of changes in my Vagrant repository on GitHub last week and over the weekend.

First, I got asked a question about 12.2 RAC and I couldn’t be bothered to run through a manual build, so I took my 18c RAC hands-off build and amended it to create a 12.2 RAC hands-off build. Along the way I noticed a couple of hard-coded bits in the 18c build I hadn’t noticed previously, which I altered of course. I also had to move the 18c build to a version-specific sub-directory. I think I’ve altered all references to the location.

I went through some of my individual server builds and updated them to use the latest versions of Tomcat 9, Java 11 and APEX 18.2. All that was pretty straight forward.

On Sunday I was running some tests of the builds on my laptop while I was at my brother’s house, and I noticed I was not pulling packages from the yum repositories properly. I ended up adding “nameserver” to pretty much all the “/etc/resolv.conf” files inside the VMs. I’m not sure what has changed as that hasn’t happened before, so I’m not sure if it’s something to do with the networking… Anyway, it fixed everything, so happy days.

While I was doing these builds I learned something new. I forgot to amend the path to my ASM disks from a UNIX style path “/u05/VirtualBox/shared/ol7_183_rac/…” to a Windows style path. Vagrant didn’t care and just created the location under the C drive as “C:\u05\VirtualBox\shared\ol7_183_rac\”. I’ll have to add a note about that to my “” files about that.

I’ve still got to update some Docker builds with the latest software. I’ll probably do that over this week…




Oracle Database 18c “Hands-Off” Data Guard Build Using VirtualBox and Vagrant

I wanted to try something with Oracle 18c Data Guard, so I thought I might as well create a hands-off build of it using VirtualBox and Vagrant, much as I did with my recent hands-off RAC build.

I did the 18c build and figured I might as well do 12cR2 and 12cR1 builds too, as they were pretty similar. I could have done them as a single build with a few tweaks to sort out the differences, but I couldn’t be bothered. 🙂

Along the way I noticed I hadn’t done a 12cR2 data guard article, so I did these.



VirtualBox 5.2.18

VirtualBox 5.2.18 was released yesterday.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve installed this on my Windows 10 laptop and all seems OK. In fact, it seems to have made a difference to an annoying timeout I was seeing between some Docker containers running inside a VirtualBox VM. I’m not sure if this was just a fluke of the reinstall, or a real fix. Either way, it’s welcome. 🙂



VirtualBox 5.2.16

Hot on the heels of 5.2.14 two weeks ago, we now have VirtualBox 5.2.16.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve done the install on my Windows 10 PC at work and  Windows 10 laptop at home and in both cases it worked fine. I can’t see any problems using it with Vagrant 2.1.2 either.

I would have a go at installing on by MacBook Pro, only the latest macOS updates have turned it into a brick again. Nothing changes…



VirtualBox 5.2.14

While I was away VirtualBox 5.2.14 was released.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I’ve done the install on my Windows 10 laptop and on my Windows 10 PC at work and both worked fine.

I also pulled down the latest version of Vagrant (2.1.2) and did a complete rebuild of some stuff. From what I can see it’s all good. 🙂



Update: I also did both upgrades on macOS and they worked fine also.

VirtualBox 5.2.12

VirtualBox 5.2.12 has been released for some platforms.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

I did the upgrade to my MacBook Pro in Brussels Airport and I’ve just done the upgrade to my Windows 10 PC at work.

The upgrade went fine on macOS, but I ran into a little glitch with the Windows 10 upgrade. The upgrade itself seemed successful, but no VMs would run once the upgrade was complete. 🙂

I did an uninstall, followed by an install again, then everything was fine on Windows 10 too.

I mostly use Vagrant for managing my VMs these days, so my first reaction was it was a Vagrant issue, but it wasn’t. No drama though. All working now… 🙂

Happy upgrading.



VirtualBox 5.2.10

VirtualBox 5.2.10 has been released for some platforms.

The downloads and changelog are in the usual places.

At the time of writing the Windows release hasn’t dropped, so watch this space.

I’ve got it running on Windows, macOS and Oracle Linux 7 hosts with no worries…

Happy upgrading.



Update: As you will tell from the edits, the Windows flavour is now available too.