Video : DBMS_SESSION.SLEEP Replaces DBMS_LOCK.SLEEP in Oracle Database 18c

In today’s video we discuss a simple, but significant change introduced in Oracle database 18c.

The video is based on this post.

The star of today’s video is a rather giggly Joel Pérez. We did more takes for this clip than you can imagine, and I still ended up using one of the first. 🙂



Video : Schema Only Accounts in Oracle Database 18c Onward

Today’s video is a demonstration of schema only accounts, introduced in Oracle Database 18c.

This is based on the following articles.

The star of today’s video is Paul Vallee, of Pythian and Tehama fame.



Oracle Database 18c and 19c on Fedora 31

Fedora 31 was released a couple of weeks ago and I’ve done some Oracle installations on it.

Just a warning to explain why this is a bad idea for anything real.

With that out of the way, here are the articles.

Not much has changed since Fedora 30 as far as these installations go.

I’ve pushed some stuff up to GitHub for Fedora 31.

So now you know how to do it, please don’t. 🙂



Video : Multitenant : Refreshable PDB Switchover in Oracle Database 18c Onward

Today’s video is a run through the Refreshable PDB Switchover feature introduced in Oracle 18c.

I also have a Multitenant YouTube playlist.

If you prefer reading over watching a video, you can find all the information and more here.

The star of today’s video is Kamran Agayev A. When he’s not working with Oracle technology and helping people to pass their OCM exam, he’s choking people out at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. 🙂



Oracle 18c and 19c on Oracle Linux 8 (beta)

Fresh on the back of yesterday’s Fedora 30 post, I noticed a post from Avi Miller about the release of Oracle Linux 8 Beta. I had a day off work, so once I had finished the Fedora 30 builds, I started on the Oracle Linux 8 builds.

It should be obvious, but this is a beta release of the OS, so everything below is just me playing. It will all have to be done again, and done “properly” once the final release appears. Even then, it will be a while before anything is certified against the new OS, so don’t take this seriously.

I’ve pushed some stuff up to GitHub. It uses a Vagrant box I created myself, in the same way I wrote about here.

I think it’s time I did something “real”, rather than playing around with stuff that doesn’t relate to something I would do at work. 🙂



Oracle 18c and 19c on Fedora 30

As is customary, Fedora 30 has been released and I’ve done some Oracle installations on it.

Before we get to the good stuff, let’s do the warnings.

With that out of the way, here are the articles.

Not surprisingly, things feel pretty similar to Fedora 29 from an Oracle perspective. There are a few small edits to the process due to the package changes with this OS version.

I’ve pushed some stuff up to GitHub, but there is no Vagrant box available for Fedora 30 yet, so I had to create my own, in the same way I wrote about here.

So now you know how to do it, please don’t. 🙂



Oracle 18c and 12c on Fedora 29

Danger, Will Robinson! Obligatory warning below.

So here we go…

Fedora 29 has been out for a bit over a week now. Over the weekend I had a play with it and noticed a couple of differences between Fedora 28 and Fedora 29 as far as Oracle installations are concerned. There are some extra packages that need to be installed. Also, one of the two symbolic links that were needed for the Oracle installation on Fedora 28 is now present in Fedora 29, but pointing to the wrong version of the package.

Here are the articles I did as a result of this.

It’s pretty similar to the installation on Fedora 28, with the exception of the extra packages and a slight alteration to the symbolic links.

Once the “bento/fedora-29” box becomes available I’ll probably do a Vagrant build for this, but for the moment is was the old fashioned approach. 🙂

So now you know how to do it, please don’t! 🙂



Oracle OpenWorld and Code One 2018 : Oracle ACE Director Briefing (and 18c XE)

I woke up at 02:00. I tried to got back to sleep, but by a little after 03:00 I gave up and got out of bed. I hit the gym for a while, but felt pretty dreadful.

I mentioned yesterday, I had helped some people with setting up Oracle Cloud. Since I was awake I grabbed some screen shots and wrote a couple of small posts so I could forward them to one of the folks, so they could remember what we did. These along with a couple of other posts I released a few days ago pretty much show how we set up a demo environment in a few minutes..

Pretty soon it was time to go down to the Oracle ACE Director Briefing…

Like yesterday, the meeting was covered by a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), so there isn’t really anything I can say about it, but during the briefing we were told Oracle Database 18c Express Edition (XE) had been released for download. I had previously done an 18c RPM installation on Vagrant, so it was pretty simple to modify it to do the XE installation in a similar way and leave it going while I was watching the sessions. Yay! Go automation! 🙂

I did my thing of not eating again, so I could stay awake during the meeting. By the end of the last session I felt pretty hungry, so I picked up a bag of cheese flavoured popcorn and downed that before heading to Chipotle (again). I think I’m done with Chipotle now. My vegetarian burrito had a huge chunk of meat in it, which I bit into and spat out. If it had been at the start of I would have demanded a new one, but as I had nearly finished I just walked up to the counter and said, “This is a vegetarian burrito and that is meat. Sort yourself out!”, then left in a bad mood.

I got back to the hotel and had about an hour before 19:00, when I was meant to go and meet people at some place about a block down the road. I made the fatal mistake of lying on the bed to watch TV for a bit, and waking up at 04:00 the next day. Sorry folks! 🙁 The fact I slept for about 10 hours, which is extremely rare for me, kind-of shows you were I was at by this point. 🙂

So that’s the first two days of briefings done. Tomorrow (today by the time you read this) is a “day off”, but I do have an event in the middle of the day and a dinner in the evening. I’ve also got to go through my three (and a bit) talks, because once the conference starts, there’s no telling when I will get time…



PS. I was forced to “disappear” Maria Colgan from the family because she came into the room and didn’t come immediately to say hello to me. If she is really good, and I don’t replace her with someone else, she may be allowed back into the family at some point in the future… 🙂

Oracle Database 18c “Hands-Off” Data Guard Build Using VirtualBox and Vagrant

I wanted to try something with Oracle 18c Data Guard, so I thought I might as well create a hands-off build of it using VirtualBox and Vagrant, much as I did with my recent hands-off RAC build.

I did the 18c build and figured I might as well do 12cR2 and 12cR1 builds too, as they were pretty similar. I could have done them as a single build with a few tweaks to sort out the differences, but I couldn’t be bothered. 🙂

Along the way I noticed I hadn’t done a 12cR2 data guard article, so I did these.

