
It has become my way of late to try and fit references to excrement into most film titles, so I was pleased when I finally got a chance to see Acrapalypto, because it works so well! 🙂 Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, that name is not really befitting for Apocalypto, which is a pretty good film.

I know very little about the Mayan civilization, so I have no idea if this is an accurate portrayal of that time. What I can say is the film is shot well and held my interest. Despite his numerous personal issues and often unsavory political motives for his subject matter, Mel Gibson does seem to have a good eye directing.

I guess it would be wrong to say I enjoyed the film, because I don’t think the films content is not meant to elicit enjoyment. I think it’s meant to be interesting and a little disturbing, which it is.

If you want a good night out, go and see Rocky Balboa, but if you want to see a spectacle with a bit of pseudo-history then Apocalypto is a good film.



Rocky Balboa…

I went to see Rocky Balboa last night. It was totally awesome. I loved everything about the film. Sylvester Stallone has done a great job and really put himself back on the map.

In a way I hope it’s the last film he makes, because it is a fitting end to his career. I know he’s no Robert DeNiro, but the guy deserves some credit for the Rocky series and some of the mindless action films he’s done. It would be a shame if he follows this up with more of the straight-to-video rubbish he’s done over the last few years.

He’s managed to get himself into great shape for the film. It’s obvious he’s no spring chicken, but any 60 year old with abs has got my respect!

If you like the Rocky films, get your ass to the cinema. It’s great!



Smokin’ Aces…

More like “Steamin’ Turd!”

I guess by now you realize I went to see Smokin’ Aces at the weekend and I didn’t rate it. 🙂

The trailer looked pretty cool. Loads of hitmen all going after the same guy. Sounds kind-of upbeat and exciting. Actually, it was a loosely linked bunch of scenes that rarely caught my attention. There were a couple of very good comedy moments, but on the whole this was a shockingly bad film. I was at the cinema with 4 other people, and the general opinion was that we should have gone to see Rocky Balboa or Apocalypto. Never mind… 🙂



The Covenant…

I took a break from reading about witches to see a file called The Covenant, which is about… witches…

It’s basically a “rights of passage” type film for teenagers. A group of kids get a taste of their future magic abilities when they are 13. By the time they are 18 they will “ascend”, which means they’ll get all their magic powers. The problem is, each time they do magic they lose a bit of their life force, so they need to act responsibly or die prematurely…

I guess this is a not-so-subtle metaphor for drink, drugs, sex and just about everything else you get exposed to when you hit your teen years.

It was an OK film, but I guess I got to the cinema 20 years too late for it to have any impact on my life. 🙂



Casino Royale…

I saw Casino Royale at the cinema last night. I thought it was a really cool film and I think Daniel Craig is a great bond. I always thought that Sean Connery was the perfect Bond, but Daniel Graig makes it a close call. I always thought that Roger Moore was too smooth and slimey and Pierce Brosnan was a bit pretty and weak looking. Both Connery and Daniel Graig look like they could do some damage in a fight, while Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan look like they could punch their way out of a wet paper bag.

As far as content goes, it’s not a normal Bond film at all. The character is a lot less refined and more “real”. It’s much more like the Bourne Identity type of film, so if you’re expecting the cheesey one liners and ridiculous gagets your going to be disappointed.

It looks like Daniel Graig has been given the go-ahead for more Bond films, which is great news!




I forgot to mention, on my last “planned” night in San Francisco I went to the cinema to watch SAW III. I’f you’ve seen the previous films, this follows the same format. It’s basically a gore-fest! The audience was very vocal, which made the show all the more entertaining. 🙂



Karate Grading and The Departed…

I failed my 3rd Dan Karate grading at the weekend. There’s lots I could say, but it is all irrelevant. Never mind. I’ll try again and pass it in 6 months.

On a lighter note, I went to see The Departed last night. It is a totally awesome film!!! I highly recommend it to anyone. I’ve never understood the appeal of Leonardo DiCaprio until now. He is a fantastic actor, sure to be one of the greats. Matt Damon is cool and of course Jack Nicholson is superb, as always. Although not a major role, Mark Wahlberg’s character is very funny and certainly adds a lot to the film. The film is full of violence and expletivies, so it’s not for the faint hearted. Go and see it!



Hostel and Throat…

I watched Hostel on DVD over the weekend. It’s your basic gore-fest like Saw. It has some vague link to Quentin Tarantino, so I expected something extra, but I didn’t get it…

I got punched in the throat on Friday (at Karate), so my voice has been kinda wierd this weekend. One minute I’m Mariah Carey, the next I’m Barry White. I’m hoping the Barry White voice hangs around for a while 🙂



The Black Dahlia…

I was planning to see Children of Men at the weekend, but instead I went to see The Black Dahlia. Big mistake!

It started off pretty cool. It was a 1940’s detective story and I was really starting to get into it, but then it kinda lost its way and started to get a bit random. I can’t say I really know what was going on, but I didn’t really care.

When we came out of the cinema we looked at each other, burst out laughing and said, “What was that all about?”

Needless to say, I don’t recommend it 🙂



V for Vendetta…

I finally got round to watching V for Vendetta last night. I didn’t think it would appeal to me, hence the delay in watching it, but I really liked it. There were a few annoying moments where Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving had less than adequate English accents, but on the whole they did a great job. Natalie Portman is very easy on the eye, regardless of her hair style. Infact, I think she looks better with it shaved off!

I might be going to see Children of Men tonight, but I’m not sure yet.

