Joel Kallman Day 2022 : Announcement

Since 2016 we’ve had an Oracle community day where we push out content on the same day to try and get a bit of a community buzz. The name has changed over the years, but in 2021 it was renamed to the “Joel Kallman Day”. Joel was big on community, and it seems like a fitting tribute to him.

When is it?

The date is Tuesday October 11th. That’s two weeks from today!

How do I get involved?

Here is the way it works.

  • Write a blog post. The title should be in the format “<insert-the-title-here> #JoelKallmanDay“.
  • The content can be pretty much anything. See the section below.
  • Tweet out the blog post using the hashtag #JoelKallmanDay.
  • Publishing the posts on the same day allows us to generate a buzz. In previous years loads of people were on twitter retweeting, making it even bigger. The community is spread around the world, so the posts will be released over a 24 hour period.
  • Oracle employees are welcome to join in. This is a community day about anything to do with the Oracle community.

Like previous years, it would be really nice if we could get a bunch of first-timers involved, but it’s also an opportunity to see existing folks blog for the first time in ages! 

The following day I write a summary post that includes links to all the posts that were pushed out through the day. You can see examples here.

What Should I Write About?

Whatever you want to write about. Here are some suggestions that might help you.

  • My favourite feature of {the Oracle-related tech you work on}.
  • What is the next thing on your list to learn.
  • Horror stories. My biggest screw up, and how I fixed it.
  • How the cloud has affected my job.
  • What I get out of the Oracle Community.
  • What feature I would love to see added to {the Oracle-related tech you work on}.
  • The project I worked on that I’m the most proud of. (Related to Oracle tech of course)

It’s not limited to these. You can literally write about anything Oracle-related. The posts can be short, which makes it easy for new people to get involved. If you do want to write about something technical, that’s fine. You can also write a simple overview post and link to more detailed posts on a subject if you like. In the previous years the posts I enjoyed the most were those that showed the human side of things, but that’s just me. Do whatever you like. 

Do I have to write in English?

No! It’s great to see people contributing to their own community. Google Translate does a pretty good job of translating them, so we can still read them.

Do I need to write about Joel or APEX?

I’m sure people would be happy to read stories about Joel, or content about APEX, but you don’t have to write about that. You can write about whatever you want, so long as it has an Oracle spin…

So you have two weeks to get something ready!



Oracle Database Patching (Poll Results Discussed)

Having recently put out a post about database patching, I was interested to know what people out in the world were doing, so I went to Twitter to ask.

As always, the sample size is small and my followers have an Oracle bias, so you can decide how representative you think these number are…

Patching Frequency

Here was the first question.

How often do you patch your production Oracle GI/DB installations? (Pick the nearest that applies)

There was a fairly even spread of answers, with about a third of people doing quarterly patching, and a quarter doing six-monthly patching. I feel like both these options are reasonable. About 20% were doing yearly patching, which is starting to sound a little risky to me. The real downer was over 22% of people never patch their databases. This is interesting when you consider the recent announcement about monthly recommended patches (MRPs).

For those people that never patch, I can think of a few reasons off the top off my head why.

  • Lack of testing resource. I think patch frequency has more to do with testing than any other factor. If you have a lot of databases, the testing resource to get through a patching cycle can be quite considerable. This is why you have to invest some time and money into automated testing.
  • If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The problem is, it is broken! How long after your system has been compromised will it be before you notice? How are your customers going to feel when you have a data breach and they find out you haven’t even taken basic steps to protect them? I don’t envy you explaining this…
  • Fear of downtime. I know downtime is a real issue to some companies, but there are several ways to mitigate this, and you have to balance the pros and the cons. I think if most people are honest, they can afford the downtime to patch their systems. They are just using this as an excuse.
  • Patching is risky. I understand that patches can introduce new issues, but that is why there are multiple ways to patch, with some being more conservative from a risk perspective. I think this is just another excuse.
  • Out of support database versions. I think this is a big factor. A lot of people run really old versions of the database that are no longer in support, and are no longer receiving patches. I don’t even think I need to explain why this is a terrible idea. Once again, how are you going to explain this to your customers?
  • Lack of skills. We like to think that every system is looked after by a qualified DBA, but the reality is that is just not true. I get a lot of questions from people who are SQL Server and MySQL DBAs that have been given some Oracle databases to look after, and they freely admit to not having the skills to look after them. Even amongst Oracle DBAs there is a massive variation in skills. Oracle patching has improved over the years, but it is still painful compared to other database engines. Just saying.

Type of Patching

This was the second question.

When patching your production Oracle GI/DB installations, which method do you use?
In-Place = Current ORACLE_HOME
Out-Of-Place = New ORACLE_HOME

This was a fairly even split, with In-Place winning by a small margin. Oracle recommend Out-Of-Place patching, but I think both options are fine if you understand the implications. I discussed these in my previous post.


I think of patch frequency in a similar way to upgrade frequency. If you do it very rarely, it’s really scary, and because nobody remembers what they did last time, there are a bunch of problems that occur, which makes everyone nervous about the next patch/upgrade. There are two ways to respond to this. The first is to delay patching and upgrades as long as possible, which will result in the next big disaster project. The second is to increase your patch/upgrade frequency, so everyone becomes well versed in what they have to do, and it becomes a well oiled machine. You get good at what you do frequently. As you might expect, I prefer the second option. I’ve fought long and hard to get my company into a quarterly patching schedule, and it will only decrease in frequency over my dead body!

Assuming the results of these polls are representative of the wider community, I feel like Oracle need to sit up and take notice. Patching is better than it was, but “less bad” is not the same as “good”. It is still too complicated, and too prone to introducing new issues IMHO!



Database Patching : It’s a difficult subject

If you came hear hoping I was going to say there are valid reasons not to patch, you are out of luck. There is never a valid reason not to patch…

Instead this post is more about the general approach to patching. I’ve spent 22+ years writing about Oracle, including how to install it, but I’ve written practically nothing about how to patch a database. My stock answer is “read the patch notes”, and to be honest that is probably the best thing anyone can do. Although patching is a lot more standardized these days, it’s still worth reading the patch notes in case something unexpected happens. In this post I just want to talk about a few top-level things…

Patching to a new ORACLE_HOME

There are two big reasons for patching to a new ORACLE_HOME, or out-of-place patching.

  1. You can apply the binary patches to the new home while the database is still running in the old home, so you reduce the total amount of downtime.
  2. You have a natural fallback in the event of the wanting to revert the patch. You don’t have to wait for the patch rollback to complete.

There are some downsides though.

  1. It requires extra space to hold both the unpatched and patched homes, until you reach a point where you are happy to remove the unpatched home.
  2. If you have any scripts that reference the ORACLE_HOME, they will need to be updated. Hopefully you’ve centralized this into a single environment setup script.
  3. I guess it’s a little more complicated, and the patch notes are not that helpful.

So should you follow the recommendation of patching to a new home or not? The answer as always is “it depends”.

The reduction in downtime for a single instance database is good, but if you are running RAC or Data Guard, this isn’t really an issue as the database remains online for most of the patching anyway. Having a quick fallback is great, but once again if you are running RAC or Data Guard this isn’t a big deal.

If you are running without RAC or Data Guard, you have made a decision that you can tolerate a certain level of downtime, so is taking the system down for an hour every quarter that big a deal? I’ve heard of folks who use RAC and/or Data Guard who still bring the whole system offline to patch, so the decision is probably going to be very different for people, depending on their environment and the constraints they are working with.

I hope you’re taking OS and database backups before patching. If something catastrophic happens, such that a rollback of the patch is not possible, you can recover your original home and database from the backups. Clearly this could take a long time, depending on how your backups are done, but the risk of loss is low. So the question is, can you tolerate the additional downtime?

You have to make a decision on the pros and cons of each approach for you, and of course deal with the consequences. If in doubt, go with the recommendation and patch to a new home.

Read-only Oracle homes

Read-only Oracle homes were introduced in 18c (here) as an option, and are the default from Oracle 21c onward. One of the benefits of read-only Oracle homes is they make switching homes so much easier. You haven’t got to worry about copying configuration files between homes, as they are already located outside the home.

Release Update (RU) or Release Update Revision (RUR)?

You have a choice between patching using a Release Update (RU), or a Release Update Revision (RUR). To put it simply, a RU contains not only the latest security patches and regression fixes, but may also include additional functionality, so the risk of introducing a new bug is higher. A RUR is just the security patches and regression fixes. Unlike the Critical Patch Updates (CPUs) of the past, that ran on endlessly, RURs are tied to specific RUs, so you will end up applying the RUs, but at a later date, when hopefully the bugs have been sorted by the RUR…

The folks at Oracle suggest applying the RUs, which is what I (currently) do. Some in the Oracle community suggest applying RURs is the safer strategy. If you look at the “Known Issues” for each RU, and the list of recommended one-off patches that should be applied after the RU, you can see why some people are nervous of going directly to RUs.

Once again, this comes down to you and your experience of patching with the feature set you use. If you are finding RUs are too problematic, go with the RUR approach. You can always change your mind at any time…

Monthly Recommended Patches (MRPs)

There’s a new kid on the block starting with 19.17 on Linux, which are monthly recommended patches (MRPs). They replace RURs. There are 6 MRPs per RU, with each MRP containing the RU and the current batch of recommended one-off patches, as documented in MOS Note 555.1.

I’m assuming these are rolling and standby-first patches, but I can’t confirm that yet.

RAC Patching : Rolling Patches

Rolling patches can be applied one node at a time, so there are always database instances running, which means the database remains available for the whole of the patching process.

Release Updates (RUs) and Release Update Revisions (RURs) are always rolling patches, so it makes sense to take advantage of this approach. If you are applying one-off patches, these may not be rolling patches, so always check the patch notes to make sure.

Even when rolling patches are available, you can still make the decision to take the whole system offline to apply the patches. I’m not sure why you would want to do this, but the option is there for you.

Data Guard : Standby-First Patches

Release Updates (RUs) and Release Update Revisions (RURs) are always standby-first patches. This gives you some flexibility on how you approach patching your system. Here are two scenarios with a two node Data Guard setup, where node 1 is the primary and node 2 is the standby.

Scenario 1 : Switchovers

  • Patch the node 2 binaries (not datapatch) and bring the standby back into recovery mode.
  • Switchover roles, making the node 2 the primary and node 1 the standby.
  • Patch the node 1 binaries (not datapatch) and bring the standby back into recovery mode.
  • Run datapatch against node 2 (the primary database).
  • Optionally switchover roles making node 1 the primary database again.

Scenario 2 : No switchovers

  • Patch the node 2 binaries (not datapatch), but don’t start the standby.
  • Patch the node 1 binaries (not datapatch) and start the database.
  • Start the standby on node 2.
  • Run datapatch on node 1 (the primary).

Scenario 1 reduces downtime, as the primary is always running while the standby is having the binaries patched. Scenario 2 is simpler, but has a more extensive downtime as the primary is out of action while the binaries are being patched.

Remember, one-off patches may not be standby-first patches, so you may only have the option of scenario 2 when applying them. You have to read the patch notes.

OJVM Patching : Which approach?

Oracle 21c has simplified the OJVM patching situation. In previous releases the OJVM patches were completely separate. The grid infrastructure (GI) and database patches for 21c include the OJVM patches. For 19c the OJVM patches are still separate.

The separate 19c OJVM patches come with additional restrictions. They are not standby-first patches, and according to the patch notes, they can only be applied as RAC rolling patches if you use out-of-place patching.

Why don’t you write about patching much?

Writing about patching is difficult, because everyone has a unique environment, and their own constraints placed on them by their business. I’ve always avoided writing too much about patching because I know it’s opening myself up for criticism. Whatever you say, someone will always disagree because of their unique situation, or demand yet another patching scenario because of their unique environment. You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.

I’ve recently written a few patching articles for specific scenarios (here). I may add some more, but it’s not going to be a complete list, and don’t expect me to write articles about stuff I don’t use, like Exadata. These are purely meant as inspiration for new people. Ultimately, you need to read the patch notes and decide what is best for you!

Let the cloud do it!

If all this is too much hassle, you do have the option of moving your database to the cloud and letting them worry about patching it. 🙂


Read the patch notes!



Vagrant : “SSH auth method: private key” – Timed out…

Out of nowhere I recently started to get problems with Vagrant running on a Windows 11 host. The “vagrant up” command would always hang at the “SSH auth method: private key” stage. You can see an example of the output here.

    default: SSH address:
    default: SSH username: vagrant
    default: SSH auth method: private key
Timed out while waiting for the machine to boot. This means that
Vagrant was unable to communicate with the guest machine within
the configured ("config.vm.boot_timeout" value) time period.

If you look above, you should be able to see the error(s) that
Vagrant had when attempting to connect to the machine. These errors
are usually good hints as to what may be wrong.

If you're using a custom box, make sure that networking is properly
working and you're able to connect to the machine. It is a common
problem that networking isn't setup properly in these boxes.
Verify that authentication configurations are also setup properly,
as well.

If the box appears to be booting properly, you may want to increase
the timeout ("config.vm.boot_timeout") value.

I didn’t get the same issue on other hosts (Windows 10 and macOS), so I figured it was something specific to Windows 11.

That started me Googling, which came back with a bunch of results, each of which appeared to work for some people, but not all. I’ve just found one that worked for me, so I figured I would write this post to bring together the fixes I tried, regardless of success for me. If you are experiencing this issue, maybe one of these will fix things for you.

Kernel Panic – Add more vCPUs

This was my issue, and of course it was the last suggestion I found. Typical! After trying all of those proposed fixes below I eventually started watching the VirtualBox console during boot and I noticed there was a kernel panic being reported, and the boot was stalling. This seemed to be different to all the other problems people were encountering. When I started to Google for VirtualBox kernel panics, I came across a forum thread where people said they were seeing this when they had a VM with a single vCPU. It just so happened my problems were occurring when I was doing a RAC build, where the DNS node has a single vCPU. Since you build the DNS node first, I was being blocked. I never thought to try other builds, as the DNS build was the simplest and quickest. 🙂

As soon as I switched the DNS node to use 2 vCPUs the kernel panics stopped and I was able to move forward.

Some references suggest maxing out the video memory also. This can be done by adding the following entry to the Vagrantfile.

vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--vram", "128"]

Using a single vCPU for the DNS node worked fine on Windows 10. My Windows 10 machine has the same version of VirtualBox and Vagrant installed, so it wasn’t anything to do with those software versions directly.

Extend Boot Timeout

The notes produced by the timeout suggest increasing the timeout by adding the following to the Vagrantfile.

config.vm.boot_timeout = 600

Needless to say this was the first thing I tried and it didn’t work for me.

BIOS Settings

Some people experienced this symptom when the virtualization features were disabled in their BIOS. I checked my BIOS and all the virtualization features were enabled, so this wasn’t my issue.

Some people updated their BIOS, which fixed the issue for them.

Windows Hypervisor Clash

Some people experienced a similar symptom when they had Hyper-V enabled on their PCs. The recommendations vary, but many people suggest turning off the following features.

  • Hyper-V (this was not present on my PC)
  • Virtual Machine Platform (already disabled for me)
  • Windows Hypervisor Platform (already disabled for me)

I found several threads discussing this, but this is the thread I remember seeing first.

If you want to check this, click the Windows button and type “Turn Windows features on or off” to open the dialog.

VirtualBox and Vagrant Software Versions

Some people experienced a similar symptom after upgrading VirtualBox, Vagrant or both. I had recently upgraded to VirtualBox 6.1.38 and Vagrant 2.3.0, but both had worked fine (I think) since the upgrade. Despite this I tried the following:

  • Removing VirtualBox and Vagrant and installing the previous versions.
  • Removing VirtualBox and Vagrant and installing the previous version of Virtual Box, and the latest version of Vagrant.
  • Removing VirtualBox and Vagrant and installing the latest version of Virtual Box, and the previous version of Vagrant.

None of these made a difference for me, so I concluded it wasn’t related to the version of VirtualBox and Vagrant specifically.

Cable Connected for Network Adapter

For some people their virtual networks were not marked as connected, as shown by checking out the network adapters in the VirtualBox setting for the resulting VM. To fix this they added the following to their Vagrantfile.

config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cableconnected1", "on"]

My network adapters were all marked as “Cable Connected”, even without this Vagrantfile setting, so this wasn’t my problem.

SSH Keys

Some people were having general problems using the default insecure keys. In case you didn’t know, Vagrant boxes are built using a known insecure key. Once you create a VM from a box a new secure key is created and the insecure key is removed. It’s just a way to make sure Vagrant can always connect without a password the first time it boots a new VM.

For some people this default action was causing them problems, so they registered their own secure key and booted the boxes directly with this, setting the secure key in the Vagrantfile.


It’s unfortunate that several situations can result in the same symptom, which lead me to chase my tail for several days. Fortunately I had other machines I could use for builds, so I wasn’t totally stumped.

Hopefully you won’t have to, but if you run into this issue, give some of these a try and see if any of them fix things for you.



Why Automation Matters : Your automation is your documentation

How many times have you been following a process defined in a knowledge base note, only to find something has been omitted, or is unclear? This may be because of empire building, laziness or more often oversight, but the result is the same. Unless your processes are well documented, you always run the risk of progress drawing to a halt when “the right person” is not present.

One of the great things about automation is, by definition, every step of the process must be defined. If person X is on holiday, you can be 100% sure all the steps to complete the automation are present.

Of course, this doesn’t stop people writing stupid, ugly and hard to understand code, but your development process should have some control over that. Even if it doesn’t, you know the answer is there. It must be there because the process works.

Does that mean you don’t need to document automations?

No. The automations should be self documenting. I don’t mean that in the sense that “my code is so good it’s self-documenting”, which is the calling card of the lazy developer. I mean that automation code in your source control system should be documented. Markdown is a quick and easy tool that allows us to easily document our code, and the good thing about it is it remains close to the code. It’s right next to it in the repository. When we change our code, we should revise our documentation where necessary. The documentation becomes a living document, rather than some 1000 page word document that nobody ever reads, and nobody updates.

But documentation sucks!

Documentation gets a really bad rap because most people are doing it wrong. They fall into one of these traps.

  • They produce too little, which means people are unlikely to find what they are looking for.
  • They produce too much, which makes it daunting to look at, so nobody bothers.
  • It’s overly formal, which is dry and boring.
  • It’s hidden, or at least separate to the code, so people might not even know it exists.

Basic pointers and how-to examples are good enough for 90% of the cases, so make these the focus of your documentation. You can always give links to more detailed documentation for those people that need a little more. The context is slightly different, but this post on Structuring Content should give you some clues about how to structure your documentation. After all, documentation is content. 🙂


For some companies an automation or infrastructure as code project may well be the first time in their company history that they have got everything about a process documented. That has to be a positive result for the company!

Check out the rest of the series here.



Judgement of Worth : I got an award, but…

Our company has some yearly awards. We nominate people who we think have made a significant contribution to some aspect of the company. There is a longlist of nominees for each category. Those people get shortlisted, and a winner is picked for each category. The longlist and shortlist are also published internally, so people get to see if they’ve been nominated, which is nice…

This year I won an award for Continuous Improvement. That’s good for my ego, which is no doubt in part why I am mentioning it, and it shows you *can* teach an old dog new tricks. But it made me want to talk about the judgement of worth again. I’ve mentioned this before in posts like visibility vs results. Judging worth is really difficult, and it potentially highlights a whole load of bias.

For someone like me it is really easy to stand out. I like to think I’m pretty good at what I do, but I’ve also developed good written and verbal communication skills over the years. On top of that, I’m always talking about what I’m doing, so I’m no shrinking violet. That gives me an unfair advantage over someone who may be doing better work than me, but is not so loud about it. This is why I ask to be removed from the running each year…

From a personal development perspective, I give some advice about improving your writing and speaking skills in the visibility vs results post. Please develop these skills so you get what you deserve!

From a management perspective, it’s really important you start judging your staff based on what they actually deliver, not on what they say. It’s the only way to be sure you are not being biased when you are thinking about who is productive and who is not. This ‘Self-promoters’ do nothing but still get ahead at work story shows that it’s really easy to make people think you are working hard, even if you are not.

This links back to my gripes about the negative stories related to productivity and working from home. Managers have to be able to track results/deliverables. It’s the only way to know if someone is doing busy work, or actually being productive.

I’d just like to say thank you to my colleagues who nominated me for this award. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but next time perhaps it would be better to use your nomination to lift up someone who needs the exposure a little more than me. 😉



I don’t accept guest posts (except this)

I get a lot of requests from people wanting to post their articles on, and they are always answered with a firm no! One of things I’ve always said is I like the fact it is one person’s voice. I think that means something…

A few weeks ago someone asked me if I had written anything about Oracle partitioning from a design perspective. Not how to do it, I’ve got loads of those types of articles (here). Since I had nothing suitable, I went to Twitter to ask for advice, and Patrick Wolf pointed me to this article by Lothar Flatz. It’s in German, and the person who asked me the original question was a German speaker, so it was a fortunate turn of events. 🙂

Google Translate did a pretty good job at translating it, which allowed me to read it, but speaking with Lothar we agreed an English translation of the article would be nice. It’s really easy to overlook posts that aren’t written in your native language, even with Google Translate available…

Fast forward a few weeks and Lothar was looking for somewhere to publish his translated post. I suggested a few options he should check out, and in a rather unusual turn of events I also offered to publish it on my website. 🙂

After speaking to some other people he came back to me and here is the first, and probably only, guest post on my website. I hope you like it.

Partitioning From a Design Perspective (A Practical Guide) – By Lothar Flatz

As a general point, I’m a firm believer in owning your content, so I would always suggest people publish on their own blog.

As for my website, my stance is still the same. I don’t accept guest posts (except this). 🙂



Test Cases Are Important : Again…

Over the weekend I was reminded of the importance of test cases again. I’ve written about this before, with probably the most consistent post here.

If you want my opinions of test cases, go and read that. In this post I want to tell a little story to demonstrate why I think test cases are important. I’m going to keep things a bit vague, because I don’t want to openly criticise the person in question, because they actually did an OK job of expressing their issue, but it did highlight some things.

The issue

I got a question that suggested a recent upgrade on Autonomous Database had altered the behaviour of something. Every time you patch or upgrade software there is a possibility of change, whether it is an intentional behaviour change, or a bug. The person had provided some evidence that did seem to suggest there was an issue, so my interest was piqued. Unfortunately there wasn’t a test case, but I have an article that includes a test case that was similar, so I was able to knock something together pretty quickly.

The test case

The first thing I did was try out my test case in an on-prem installation. Yes, I know the potential issue related to autonomous database, but I wanted to see the test case working, and prove to myself that what I believed to be true actually was true. Think of this as an experimental control. The test case ran as expected on-prem, which was good.

I then moved to trying to replicate this issue on autonomous database. Most cloud databases come with some restrictions on what you can do, so my test case setup was not ideal for running on autonomous database. I had to revise the setup a little. APEX to the rescue. Before you ask, yes, I did rerun the on-prem test with the new setup to make sure the control was still valid. 🙂 Having set up the base data, I was able to run the code for my test case, and it ran just the same in autonomous database as it did on-prem.

Test case vs in situ

In the original question, the issue was directed specifically at one feature, but my test case seemed to prove that feature was working as expected. When you are doing scientific experiments you try to reduce the number of variables. Too many variables and you have no idea what caused the result, so you can’t come to any reasonable conclusion. I was trying to prove a feature works as expected, so I reduced the possible variables to the point where I was specifically testing that feature, and it seems to work as expected.

So that’s the end of it right? Well not really. I’ll use an example from biology to explain. Biology is complicated because living things are complicated. When you are doing chemistry, it’s possible to isolate specific compounds and put them together in a controlled manner to observe an interaction. Kind-of like my test case, this is a very controlled approach. Living things have loads of working parts, and you can’t isolate things without killing the organism, so you have to deal with the fact you are working in the middle of a whole bunch of interactions. You still try to minimise your variables, but you have to accept that you can’t always do that to the extent you would like. You may define experimental controls that discount the other possible reasons for the result. This distinction between running things in isolation and in situ is really important. What has this got to do with my test case?

My test case is run in isolation. The original poster clearly has an issue in their system. Perhaps there is something in their system that affects the way this feature works, so although the feature works in isolation, maybe there is an issue in situ. My test case hasn’t resolved the issue. It has just ticked one thing off the list of possible causes.

What next?

Having ticked the base functionality off the list of possible causes, we then have to move up one step higher and incorporate more elements of the system, to see how that affect things. That could be as simple as we are using different session parameters, or it could be something more fundamental with the design of their system. Hell, it might be their data is corrupt for all I know (I really hope not).

It’s also possible when looking at the “next layer”, we notice something that shows the original test case is invalid. That sort of things happens.

What’s the point of this post?

I often get the impression some people think problem solving is some kind of witchcraft. In reality it is painstaking meticulous work. I look at all the people I think are good and they have one thing in common. They put in the the work and grind through this stuff. Yes, you get quicker the more experienced you get, but you still have to put in the effort. People are often looking for the “magic button” to solve their problem, but there isn’t one. If it were that simple, it would already be built into every piece of software you use. 🙂

You need a test case, even if all it does is prove your initial conclusion was wrong, and allows you to focus your attention elsewhere.

Once again, the question that promoted this post was not bad. The person did an OK job of expressing themselves. This is just a post that was triggered by that interaction. If we get to the bottom of their issue, and it proves to be interesting, I will probably write up something more specific about it. 🙂

You might find it useful to read these, as they are relevant to this post.



Update: This looks like it is a data/understanding issue. It’s starting to sound like the data isn’t stored in the format the original poster expected, so they are trying to do something with it that is impossible. If this is the case, it’s nothing to do with the upgrade.

User Experience – A Little Rant Again

I had a bit of a negative post yesterday, and it got me thinking of these two posts.

I’ve said some of this stuff before, but I want to bring it all into a slightly different context.

Good user experience is…

Good user experience is not about forcing me to follow your atomic implementation of a feature. What do I mean by this? Let’s take look at some examples of getting it right (IMHO) from Oracle.

An Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) web service is made up of a module with one or more templates, each with one or more handlers. We could define our service by defining a module, template and a handler separately, because that’s how the underlying implementation of an ORDS web service works. It’s fine, but it’s a bit over the top if I just want a quick little web service based on a query. That’s why we have been given the DEFINE_SERVICE procedure, allowing us to do all that other stuff in a single call (see here). For simple services this is all you need.

The database scheduler is a complex beast. We can define loads of things like schedules, programs, arguments, jobs classes, windows and of course jobs. That’s fine, but 99% of the time we just want a simple job, and the CREATE_JOB procedure allows us create one in a single call (see here).

In both cases we can choose between doing things the long/verbose way, or use the “cheat code” and do stuff in a single call. This is exactly the sort of thing I like when I’m using a feature. I want to know the flexibility is there if I need it, but if 99% of my requirements don’t, I want the cheat code so I can do what I need to do and move on. This also makes the feature more accessible to new people…

Good user experience is not…

As I mentioned above, good user experience is not about forcing me to follow your atomic implementation of a feature. Someone should take a step back and ask what would “normal” users really like? The answer is probably giving them an option to zone out and get all the prerequisites and config done for them. It’s not making them spend a weekend trying to figure out how to enable a feature, then finding it doesn’t really work properly anyway…

I’m a generalist. I have to work with lots of different products. When I open the docs and I see a list of prerequisites, and then multiple commands to actually set stuff up my heart sinks. I want a “we’ll do everything for you” option. That might sound funny because of my history, and if companies did that it would make my website redundant, but I feel we need to progress. We’ve been doing this nuts & bolts crap for too long. If I can automate it, Oracle can automate it. If Oracle can automate it, why don’t they?

I don’t want to name and shame. I’ve made some positive comments about Oracle in the previous section, but you know there are a whole bunch of Oracle things I could use as examples of what not to do. Oracle aren’t alone here. It applies to lots of other companies too.

But Tim, I want to…

I can already hear people typing their responses about their need to be in control and their obsessive configuration disorder. Shut up. I don’t care. The chances are, if you are reading this post, you are probably one of the people that can cope with all this tech, but there are many people who can’t, or don’t want to.

Won’t someone think of the children customers

I am a customer. My company is a customer. I can think of two things my company refuse to pay for because the functionality in question is unsupportable if I’m not available. Those are features we need, but won’t buy because they are overly complex for normal people to do well.

Now you can argue that cloud services will solve all these issues, but cloud adoption varies between regions, and maybe people will not pick your cloud. My company are a perfect example of that. We’ve consolidated on Azure, and although we don’t run any Oracle databases there yet, if we run Oracle on the cloud, it will probably be on Azure.

If you heard someone say, “I used to get a punch in the face every day, but now it’s only once a week. Things are good!”, you would think they were crazy. Less bad is not the same as good. I often think companies bring out tools and utilities that are “less bad” than what they had before. Not actually “good”. If you have been in the trenches, “less bad” might feel “good”, but it’s not.

I realise this is another rant, but I think it’s a subject that is worth a rant. I use a wide variety of tech from a number of companies, and some of them get on my nerves at times, because it feels like user experience is an after thought. You can’t expect everyone to no-life the learning curve for your products. I’m just saying how I feel, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone here!



PS. I’m playing a bit fast and loose with the term user experience in this post, but hopefully you get what I mean…