Server Problems : Update

hard-disk-42935_640This is a follow on from my server problems post from yesterday…

Regarding the general issue, misiaq came up with a great suggestion, which was to use watchdog. It’s not going to “fix” anything, but if I get a reboot when the general issue happens, that would be much better than having the server sit idle for 5 hours until I  wake up. 🙂 Let’s see how that works out…

Praveen asked if I use any tools like Webmin. The answer is yes and no. Just like my use of any tool (Cloud Control, SQL Developer etc.) I use a combination of command line and tools. I usually find command line more useful as I can script and reuse, but I always have tools available to fill in the gaps and provide inspiration. I don’t always invest enough time in learning the tools well, which is why useful bits of them pass me by on occasion, but I also don’t like to become dependent on tools. In the case of Webmin, it is installed on the server, but it is not exposed to the outside world. I have to tunnel in to use it, so during a problem, when I can’t SSH to the server, Webmin is not available. 🙂

Back to the specific issue from yesterday…

During my normal checks I noticed my RAID1 setup looked like this.

# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid1]
md3 : active raid1 sdb3[1]
      970470016 blocks [2/1] [_U]

md1 : active raid1 sdb1[1]
      4194240 blocks [2/1] [_U]

unused devices: <none>

Last time it looked like this, one of the hard drives had died, so I contacted the hosting company to get it sorted. After a couple of false starts, they eventually took the machine offline, tested it and said the hard drives were fine. 🙁

I added the partitions from the “/dev/sda” disk back into the RAID config. I guess I should have tried that first. 🙂

# mdadm /dev/md1 -a /dev/sda1
mdadm: added /dev/sda1
# mdadm /dev/md3 -a /dev/sda3
mdadm: added /dev/sda3

After it had finished rebuilding it looked like this.

# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid1]
md3 : active raid1 sda3[0] sdb3[1]
 970470016 blocks [2/2] [UU]

md1 : active raid1 sda1[0] sdb1[1]
 4194240 blocks [2/2] [UU]

unused devices: <none>

So it looks like the drive just dropped out of the RAID config for no reason… Does that happen?

As I said before, I’m not a system administrator. I just know enough to be dangerous. 🙂 Thanks for the comments from yesterday. They have been very helpful…



Server Problems : Any ideas?

I’m pretty sure last night’s problem was caused by a disk failure in the RAID array. The system is working now, but it might go down sometime today to get the disk replaced. Hopefully they won’t do what they did last time and wipe the bloody lot! 🙂

The subject of this post is not about this specific incident, but more generally about what I’ve experienced over recent weeks/months.


As many of you will know I’ve been having some intermittent issues with my server for a while now.

It’s not predictable. Sometimes it doesn’t happen for ages. Sometimes it happens several times in one day. Most of the time I notice it pretty quickly, reboot it and all is fine for a while. Sometimes, like last night, it happens while I’m asleep and it is down for a few hours before I notice it.

The last time it was giving me a lot of trouble I planned to spend a weekend rebuilding the site on AWS on two nodes with a load balancer between them to give me a bit of extra availability, but by the time the weekend came it was behaving again and I decided maybe the extra cost was not a great idea. 🙂

Without knowing what the problem is, I’m worried I will go to the effort of moving everything, only to find I get the same problems in the new location, especially if it is something stupid I’ve done. 🙂

What do I see? Nothing!

If I don’t spot it before, I get a message from Uptime Robot saying the site is down. It only checks ever 15 minutes, so it’s usually some time earlier that the actual failure occurs. When it happens I usually check the following.

  • The last entries in the webserver access and error logs. So far they never show me anything interesting, just that the webserver stops delivering pages when the issue happens.
  • The output from sar shows nothing out of the ordinary from a load perspective (CPU, memory, disk, network) in the lead up to the failure. The server is massively overpowered for what I need, so everything looks pretty much idle most of the time.
  • There is nothing relevant in the “/var/log/messages” file. The entries just stop, then start again when the server is rebooted. There is no pattern to the last message in the log and the failure. I don’t get a lot of messages logged here, so typically the last message is several hours before the failure.
  • Nothing in the MySQL logs.
  • Nothing in the cron log. No jobs firing near the time of failure, that could have caused a problem.
  • Nothing in any of the other logs available in the “/var/log” directory, or subdirectories.
  • Previously I have done memory tests, hard disk scans and checks on the RAID config, which don’t reveal any problems. Obviously, this time there is a RAID issue, but this is not typically the case when I have these issues.

Typically, when it happens I can’t do anything on the server. Not even SSH to it. I have to force a restart using the admin tool on the hosting company admin console. I once managed to get a serial connection to the server, just as it was happening, but I was not able to run any commands, so it didn’t help.

It’s a dedicated server running fully patched CentOS 6. It has MySQL 5.7 and PHP7, but the issues pre-date those. Previously it was running MySQL 5.6 and whatever PHP version came with the CentOS 6 yum repository. 🙂


Anyone got any ideas what I can check next time it happens? I’m at a bit of a loss.

Like I said, I don’t want to up-sticks and move to a new server or VM on AWS if the problem is of my own making. 🙂



PS. Remember, I’m not a system administrator. I just know enough to be dangerous. 🙂

WordPress 4.5 Released

WordPress 4.5 “Coleman” has been released.

I just applied it to the five WordPress sites I manage by manually triggering the auto-update and everything went through fine.

There are some updates to the standard themes that you will need to manually trigger for update, but there was no drama there either.

I fully expect a rash of little updates to get released over the coming days as new bugs are spotted. 🙂

Happy upgrading. 🙂



Google as a Cloud Provider?

cloudI saw a tweet this morning that pointed me to this article.

Google To Challenge Amazon, Microsoft In Cloud Computing War


This comes hot on the heels of this article.

Google dumps ISP email support. Virgin Media takes ball, stomps home

I use a lot of Google services and I like them. Having said that, I just can’t bring myself to take their Google Cloud Platform seriously. It’s not that I don’t believe they have the capability to do cloud. The are Google after all. 🙂 It’s more about trusting their services will exist in the future. If they are happy to dump 4.6 million email customers in one shot, why should I believe they give a crap about my IaaS stuff?

This kind of behaviour is not new from Google. They have taken an axe to many services before, but this seems so much more dramatic and significant from a company that is pushing their public cloud agenda.

Now it all comes down to money, and I guess Google couldn’t make enough off the this ISP email customer, but it is still a worrying signal. People should always have an exit strategy for every cloud project, but with Google it seems like it should be a bigger priority.

Maybe I’m just being paranoid. Maybe I’m not. I just feel unnerved.



UltraEdit 23 for Windows

UltraEdit 23 for Windows has been released. Followers of the blog will know I’m an UltraEdit junkie, so as soon as I got the email telling me UltraEdit 23 had arrived I installed it instantly. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread!

The glaring hideousness you are presented with is a ribbon! For ***** sake! Hasn’t the whole world spent enough time moaning about the Office ribbons already?


Never mind. Right-clicking on the ribbon allows you to switch to “Toolbar/Menu Mode”, so that’s good right? Wrong! You switch and everything looks fine, but when you resize the window you lose half of the windows and the only way back is to enable the ribbon again. 🙁 (Fixed by latest build)

So I’m left with this bloody awful ribbon, or a non-functioning editor. I am not happy!

Moving away from the ribbon issue, there seem to be a number of rendering issues about the product in general. Making minor theme or layout changes cause it to hang for a minute, before coming back to life.

This release seems to be mostly about the pretties, but the pretties make the product unusable. I can’t state how disappointed I am with this release. Let’s hope the patches come soon!

My advice, don’t upgrade to as it is bloody useless. Wait until they sort out the rendering and the “Toolbar/Menu Mode”, then you can use something that doesn’t make you want to vomit or slash your wrists!



Update: It seems my problems with UltraEdit 23 may be caused by my work Windows PC being locked down to Classic Mode, rather than using Aero. If you also use Classic Mode, approach UltraEdit 23 with care. If not, then everything I say below is probably not relevant to you!

Update 2: IDM have sent me a new build ( that works fine. I guess this will be available for others to download soon.

UltraEdit v16 for Mac

Followers of the blog will know I’ve been a long time user of the editor UltraEdit.


I got introduced to UltraEdit about 15 years ago. At the time everything else around sucked. I paid my money and was hooked pretty much instantly. At that point it was a Windows-only product. When I later ditched Windows in favour of Linux at home, I went through a succession of crappy editors and was never really happy. I eventually started running UltraEdit on Linux using Wine and it “mostly” worked.

A few years ago I switched from Linux desktops to Mac and went through another succession of crappy editors that everyone told me were amazing. One day I woke up to find UltraEdit had released a Mac and Linux version of their editor. It was lacking features compared to the Windows version, but it worked. I immediately switched and have been there ever since.

I have a multi-platform unlimited upgrades license, which cost me something like $200 a few years ago. I use UltraEdit for Mac on my desktop at home. I use the Windows version when I’m at work. Very occasionally I fire up the Linux version on one of my servers, but that tends not to happen much these days as I just connect to that stuff from my Mac.

Today I’ve upgraded to UltraEdit for Mac v16. It still doesn’t have 100% of the features of the Windows version, but it’s getting close. Happy days!

I know there are a lot of good editors out there (Sublime Text, NotePad++, Atom etc.), but I don’t get on too well with any of them. I’m sure a lot of if comes down to familiarity, but I find myself saying, “If only they could do …” all the time. Aaaahhhh, to be old and set in your ways. 🙂 Anyway, if you like any of those, all power to you. If you are struggling against them, you might want to give UltraEdit a try!



PS. This is not a sponsored ad. I’m just a fan! 🙂

Stolen Content – Again…

frowning-150840_640In my Writing Tips series I wrote about Copyright Theft. I had a quick look through my blog and the first time I wrote about my stuff getting stolen was in 2006. I’m sure it had happened before then and it has happened many times since. Most of the time I try to deal with it privately and give people a chance to sort their lives out without publicly branding them a thief, but sometimes circumstances bring the worst out of me.

If you had followed my series of rants on Twitter tonight you will know it happened to me again. The reason I went off the deep end this time was because approximately 10 months ago, this same person did exactly the same thing to me. When I contacted them the first time, they were very apologetic and removed the content, saying they had paid someone to produce some content for them and they didn’t know it was all stolen. Since it was all resolved quickly and pleasantly, I said nothing more. I did of course keep a record of the whole process, including my contact with the hosting company etc.

Fast forward to today and Martin Widlake contacted me to say he had found some of my stuff on another site. When I checked, it was this same person again! Some of the content that got removed last time had mysteriously returned, and there was a load more with it. Most of the time it was a straight copy. Sometimes the article names had been slightly altered, but the content was straight off my site. Occasionally there was one extra sentence at the start. In total I found 141 articles stolen from my site. There may have been more, but these were all I identified up to now.

I wrote an email to the individual in question, which ended with the rather melodramatic statement of,

“What you are doing is wrong and illegal. I will end you!”

I was putting together a DMCA takedown notice when Martin Widlake said the content had started to disappear. I checked and sure enough, I was getting 404 errors for most of the URLs. I’m promoting Martin to “Chief of the Content Police”! 🙂

Now I’m a rather petty individual and I have a very large readership, so I’m pretty sure that if this person ever does something like this again, I will be able to make sure everyone he has ever worked for, or ever will work for, will know he has been proven to be a thief twice over. Not exactly the sort of person you want working with your valuable data!

Just some words to the wise:

  • If you steal content from a popular source, people are going to notice and tell the original content producer about it. There is no maybe. It will definitely happen.
  • When you are caught stealing stuff it makes you look like scum. You know why? Because you are scum! If you are lucky, you will be able to deal with it quietly. If not, the world will find out you are scum!
  • If you pay someone to produce content for you, you better make sure they are not stealing it, because if they are, it is you that will end up looking like scum, not them!
  • If you are paying someone for content and they are producing several articles a day, it is highly likely the work is stolen, or incredibly derivative at best. If you do not realise this, you are a moron. Being a moron is not a defence, and kind-of affects your future job prospects!

Changing tack slightly…

We are all writing about the same stuff. When a new product is released, there is a flurry of new articles on the subject, many of which are covering the same content. There is nothing wrong with that. No one person has a claim on it. You won’t get an email from me asking you not to write about it. That would be ridiculous. Everyone’s take on the same subject matter is slightly different. If you ever see me in person you’ll know I’m always encouraging people to get involved. Having said that, if your idea of getting involved is stealing other people’s material, we will not be friends!




Do you even [ Agile | DevOps ] bruh?

It seems I can’t turn around without getting myself involved in some discussion about Agile or DevOps these days.


I agree with many of the concepts and the aims of Agile, DevOps, Continuous Delivery etc. I find it hard to believe anyone wouldn’t see value in what they are trying to promote. As always, it is how people interpret and implement them that makes all the difference.

It’s just like religion. They all seem to be pretty sound at heart, but let a few lunatics and fundamentalists loose on them and next thing you know…

Things like Agile and DevOps have arisen to address perceived problems. If your organisation doesn’t suffer from those problems, you may not need to consider them, or you may already be doing something like them without knowing you are. 🙂

Your company can be agile, without following Scrum or Kanban. You will inevitably have arrived at similar patterns I guess. Likewise, your streamlining of process, automation of testing and deployment, good communication between silos (if present) may leave you wondering what all the DevOps fuss is about.

I am both a fan and hater of Agile and DevOps. I’m a fan of what they are able to achieve when used correctly. I’m a hater of all the bullshit that surrounds them!

Rant over. 🙂

