Oracle Enterprise Manager 13.5 Release Update 22 ( Certified on Oracle Linux 9 (OL9)

We’ve been pushing out some Oracle 19c databases on Oracle Linux 9 (OL9) since it was certified, see here, but those databases have not been monitored or backed up by Cloud Control, because the Enterprise Manager (EM) 13.5 agent was not certified on OL9. Instead we had reverted to the bad old days of using CRON scripts to do everything.

Since we started running 19c on OL9 I had been regularly searching for the EM certification notice. Last week I noticed MOS Doc ID 2978593.1, which said, “EM Agent 13.5 with Enterprise Manager 13.5 Release Update 22 or higher is certified on RHEL9 and OL9”. Happy days. I subsequently found this post announcing update 22, which I had somehow missed. I was also nudged by someone on Twitter/X to check the certification matrix again.

EM at Work

We have EM 13.5 running on OL8 at work. As soon as I found the agent was certified on OL9 servers I updated our installation to release update 22 and started to try and push out agents to the OL9 servers.

We hit an initial problem, which was EM uses SSH to push out the agent, and uses SHA1 to do it. Unfortunately SHA1 is not allowed on our OL9 servers, so that kind-of scuppered things. This is the error we got.

  • Error: SSH connection check failed
  • Cause: Connection to the SSH daemon (sshd) on the target host failed with the following error : KeyExchange signature verification failed for key type=ssh-rsa
  • Recommendation: Ensure that SSH daemon (sshd) on the target host is able to respond to login requests on the provided sshd port 22.Ensure the provided user name and password or ssh keys are correct.Ensure that the property PasswordAuthentication is set to yes in the SSHD configuration file (sshd_config) on the remote host.

To resolve this the system administrators issued the following command as root on the OL9 servers.

update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1

Once that was done the agents pushed out with no problems.

I’m currently pushing out agents to all our 19c on OL9 servers, and replacing all the CRON scripts with EM backups and monitoring.

This brings OL9 into line with out other databases servers. Happy days.

EM 13c Installation on OL9

Although I don’t need it for work, I decided to spend the bank holiday weekend trying to do a fresh installation of 13.5 on OL9. I tried several different ways, with the main two being.

  • Install and configure the base release without the patches.
  • Install with the patches downloaded and applied as part of the installation and configuration.

In both cases everything looked fine until near the end of the process, where the OMS refused to start. Unfortunately I couldn’t find anything obvious in the logs. It takes a long time to run the build, so having it fail near the end is quite frustrating.

At the moment I can’t see any OL9 specific docs, so I can’t tell if I’m missing out a vital step. As mentioned in the previous section, there are definite differences between OL9 and OL8, so I would not be surprised if the documentation (or MOS note) is released that includes an obvious gotcha.

As soon as I get it working I’ll release an article and a Vagrant build.



Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13.5

The release of Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13.5 was officially announced last week, but I think it’s been available for download for a little longer. The first I noticed was the official announcement though. 🙂

That prompted the usual flurry of articles.

As well as the articles, you can find the Vagrant builds of Cloud Control 13.5 on Ol7 and OL8 in my Vagrant GitHub repo here.

Our current installation is running on an Oracle Linux 6 VM, so I was just about to start a new build on a new OS, which would have the added bonus of allowing us to use Oracle 19c under the hood. Now I can go straight to 13.5, which is nice.

I’ve mentioned before, we use EMCLI to add targets and jobs into Cloud Control, so rather than upgrading as I normally do, this time I’ll probably do a clean build on the new kit and gradually migrate services across to it.

Happy upgrading! 🙂



Cloud Control 13.4 : Silent Installation and Silent Upgrade

A little over a week ago Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13.4 was released. The following weekend I spent 3 days running builds constantly trying to get a clean install to work. Eventually I tweeted out in frustration and a friendly face at Oracle, who I’ve stalked on numerous occasions, put me in touch with the EM dev team.

Having had a quick look at my Vagrant build, they suggested I unset the CLASSPATH environment variable, and a working build was born. Thanks very much to the EM dev team! Without them I would have spent days looking at it and would probably still have failed.


The resulting Vagrant build and an article about the silent installation of Cloud Control 13.4 can be found here.

One thing that still irks me somewhat is the documentation about the adaptive optimizer parameters. The documentation says the following.

“If your Management Repository is using Oracle Database 12.2 or higher, none of these parameters need to be set.”

This is not true, and you always get this error message.

The following prerequisite check failed because the Oracle Database, where the Management Repository will be configured, does not meet the configuration requirements. Fix the issue manually based on the recommendation offered for this prerequisite, and click OK. For more details, check the logs: /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/oui/emdbprereqs
Prereq Name Recommendation
Check if all adaptive features parameters are unset All adaptive features parameters should be unset for improved SQL performance”

I even tried a GUI installation, in case there was a difference between the GUI and silent installations. There wasn’t.

The workaround is to amend a bunch of underscore parameters that are only meant to be necessary when running a patched version of Oracle database 12.1 as the repository database.

alter system set "_optimizer_nlj_hj_adaptive_join"= FALSE scope=both sid='*'; 
alter system set "_optimizer_strans_adaptive_pruning" = FALSE scope=both sid='*';
alter system set "_px_adaptive_dist_method" = OFF scope=both sid='*'; 
alter system set "_sql_plan_directive_mgmt_control" = 0 scope=both sid='*';
alter system set "_optimizer_dsdir_usage_control" = 0 scope=both sid='*'; 
alter system set "_optimizer_use_feedback" = FALSE scope=both sid='*';
alter system set "_optimizer_gather_feedback" = FALSE scope=both sid='*'; 
alter system set "_optimizer_performance_feedback" = OFF scope=both sid='*';

It’s not a show stopper, so I can live with it, but it’s annoying, and the documentation should be altered to reflect the reality.


The next challenge was to work through an upgrade from a previous release. I worked through this using a starting point of 13.3. I already had a vagrant build for 13.3, but I made a few changes to bring it up to date, and add some more disk space. I also renamed the directory structure to make things a little neater.

The upgrade itself was very similar to that of the previous version. You can find the article about the silent upgrade to 13.4 and the Vagrant build I used to test the upgrade here.

Now remember, this is a simple upgrade of a totally clean 13.3 build to 13.4, so I’m not saying this is an exhaustive test, and I’m not saying this is proof it will work for you.

Next Steps

The next challenge will be to try a real upgrade at work. Work is crazy at the moment, so I’m not sure how long I will have to wait before doing this.

Most of our kit is VMware virtual machines running Oracle Linux, and the Cloud Control server is no exception, so I can get a backup of the whole VM before the upgrade, and just restore back to that in case of a disaster.

An ideal place to be is to have your build scripted, including the reconfiguration of all your targets. After a previous “issue”, I went through our existing config and built the EMCLI scripts to replace it all. I *think* I can rebuild everything from scratch if I need to. We do all new agent installations, target discovery and setup using EMCLI now, so I think all the retrofitted stuff will work too, but I have to admit I’m kind-of scared to try. 🙂


I don’t like to do anything at work unless I’ve already done it at home first. It’s taken me pretty much 5 full days (Fri, Sat, Sun, Fri, Sat) to get through this, but it’s done now, and I feel I can have a try at work without looking like a total fool now! 🙂



Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13.3 on Oracle Database 19c

I’ve had some articles about Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13.3 on the site for quite a while now. The first installation and upgrade articles were posted over a year ago.

More recently I posted about a Vagrant build and a silent upgrade.

At the time, the certification matrix said Oracle 19c was not certified to hold the OMS repository, so my article and Vagrant build didn’t include it. A few days ago someone asked me if it would work on 19c, and I was just about to reply and say it wasn’t certified, but I thought I better check first. It is now certified (if you are on the latest versions of the DB plugin), so I thought I better give it a run through.

The process was the same for 19c, so all I had do was unzip the 19c media into the renamed ORACLE_HOME and the rest went fine. I’ve done some minor updates to the articles and the Vagrant build to reflect this.

So if you are on OL7/RHEL7, you are good to upgrade to 19c for the OMS repository. 😉

Happy days!



Update: JE in the comments pointed out the requirement to be on the latest plugins for 19c to work (see here). They also pointed out the loss of the Top Activity screen. From my perspective:

  • I always run with the latest plugins if possible.
  • The Top Activity screen is replaced by the ASH Analytics screen, which does all the same things, but I would say the window adjustment makes it a bit better. It took a little time to get used to it, but I use it in the same way I used the Top Activity screen on versions from 11.2 to 19c with no drama.

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13.3 Silent Upgrade

A few days ago I put out a post called Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13.3 Vagrant Build. In a comment on that post Dinesh said,

“Would like to see the silent upgrade from oem12c to oem13c upgrade post from you”

I normally try to keep on top of upgrades, so I’ve never done a jump bigger than one version, but I was checking through the documentation, and assuming it’s a supported start version, there isn’t much difference between the upgrades from most versions, so I thought I would give it a go. As I mentioned in the last post, I already had a GUI upgrade article.

I didn’t have a silent upgrade though. I do now. 🙂

In order to try this out I did a Vagrant build of Cloud Control 12cR5, to give me an easy way to get a clean starting point. You can see that here. If you want to practice the upgrade, it’s a really easy way to do it.

I’ve left the agent upgrade using the Cloud Control interface, but there is an example of how to do it silently using WLST here. It’s pretty simple.

So not only did I not expect to be writing that post a few days ago, but I certainly didn’t expect to be writing this one. 🙂



Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13.3 Vagrant Build

A little short of a year ago I knocked up a Vagrant build to prepare an environment for practising Cloud Control 13.3 installations and upgrades. This just automated the creation of the environment and installation of the database, ready for me to start playing around with the Cloud Control bit. At the time I released these articles.

I didn’t mention anything about the Vagrant build as it didn’t do much more than build the database, so it didn’t seem worth mentioning. It was just a convenience for me.

More recently someone pointed it out on Twitter and I made a note to myself to “finish it off” and make it do a full silent build, then kind-of forgot again.

A few days ago I had a self-induced problem with our Cloud Control server, and I realised I didn’t have the best plan of action for a complete rebuild scenario. I had backups, so I didn’t need to do a rebuild, but that doesn’t stop me wanting to be able to do it, so I did the following things…

I scripted a silent build of the work environment we use. I put together a general article to show how to do a silent build of a simple installation too. If you’re interested you can see it here.

I wrote some EMCLI scripts to do most of the tasks I needed for a complete rebuild. We already use EMCLI for some of the stuff, like jobs, but I filled in the gaps where I had been a bit lazy. Those are all checked into a company Git repo, and they are quite specific to what we need, but there are some basic EMCLI examples available here, if you are interested in getting into EMCLI.

Finally, I made my Vagrant build a fully automated Cloud Control 13.3 build on Oracle database 18c. According to the certification matrix, Oracle 19c is not yet certified for the repository database (but someone on Oracle-L said this certification is imminent (See Update)). If you are interested in playing around with Vagrant, you can find it here. I’ve managed to get away with 6G of memory, but that makes it chronically slow. The more memory you can throw at it the better. 🙂

I didn’t really expect to be revisiting this stuff a year down the line, but it was born out of necessity, or at least necessity for my peace of mind. 🙂



Update: The OMS is now supported on Oracle database 19c.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 3 ( Upgrade

A few months ago I wrote about the installation and upgrade Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 3 (

At the time I did a clean install and an example upgrade from 13.2 to 13.3. The idea behind the upgrade was basically to practice what I needed to do at work.

Just before I left for OpenWorld I got our virtualization folks to give me a clone of the production Cloud Control VM and I ran a practice upgrade on that. It’s important to do a “real” run through, as sometimes you hit issues you don’t see when upgrading from a clean installation of the previous version. In the past the upgrade of the clean installation of the previous version has worked fine, but the real upgrade failed the prerequisite checks as some of the agents or plugins were too old. The latest test on the clone worked fine, so we had the green light to do the production upgrade.

Post OOW18, my first job on returning to work was to get Cloud Control upgraded. I repeated the process I had done on the clone and it went fine.

In a funny coincidence, while I was doing the upgrade someone retweeted the blog post from a few months ago. Weird.

As a reminder, here are the 13.3 articles.



Cloud Control 13c Release 2 (13cR2) : It’s Alive!

o-enterprisemgr-13c-clr-2769481I delayed our upgrade from Cloud Control 13cR1 to 13cR2 until I finished all my travelling. It’s not really fair to make a major change then swan off round the world. 🙂

Yesterday was the day. I got in and started the upgrade, following the process I documented here and it worked. 🙂


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I had tested it all at home anyway.

We now have Cloud Control 13cR2 monitoring all out Dev and Test systems. For the next few days we’ll be kicking the tyres before continuing to roll it out to production, which is still currently monitored by Cloud Control 12cR5.

You can read my notes about this stuff here.

There are some related blog posts on this subject here.



Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 2 (13cR2) Installation/Upgrade

em13cOracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 2 (13cR2) was released a couple of weeks ago. In a previous post I mentioned we were going to stop our rollout of 13cR1 agents to production and upgrade from 13cR1 to 13cR2 before we resumed.

I don’t like doing anything at work that I haven’t already tried at home, so the first step in that process was for me to do some clean installs and practice upgrades. After a busy weekend and a late night last night I think I’m happy with the process. That resulted in these articles.

If you’ve done a 13cR1 installation, the clean 13cR2 installation will come as no surprise. They now have multitenant and non-CDB repository templates to choose from. I used the multitenant template in this example. The installation was fine on both OL6 and OL7, so nothing out of the ordinary to report there.

The upgrade process was similar to previous point release upgrades too. We used the non-CDB template, the only one available at the time, to build our 13cR1 installation, so not surprisingly I practised the upgrade using that as a starting point. The upgrade process went fine, but I got a lot of warning messages during the process. It was all working fine at the end though…

I guess we will start rolling this bad-boy out once I get back from the APAC Tour and Bulgaria (BGOUG).



Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c : Navigation and “Look and Feel”

o-enterprisemgr-13c-clr-2769481I’ve continued to play around with Cloud Control 13c and I’m generally getting a nice vibe from it.

One of the things I really hated about Grid Control 10g and 11g was the navigation. It felt like you had to click on 50 links to get to the thing you wanted. When Cloud Control 12c came along and had a main menu it was a massive improvement. Even so, it was still a little annoying as the menu was split, with some bits on the left and some bits on the top-right.


In Cloud Control 13c, these menus have been brought together into the top-right of the screen.


If the screen size is smaller, the buttons collapse to show just the icons, which saves space.


It probably sounds really trivial, but having both menus together is a really nice touch. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been fumbling around, unable to find something, only to remember it is in that blasted menu at the top-right. Now there is no excuse. 🙂

The job scheduler navigation is also a lot nicer. In Cloud Control 12c we had a bunch of drop-downs and a “Go” button.


In Cloud Control 13c there are tiles along the top to alter the context of the output and the tree on the left allows you to quickly flip between criteria.


It is so much quicker to get the information you want this way.

So as far as I’m concerned, Cloud Control 13c is getting a big thumbs-up from a navigation perspective!

A couple of people have asked my impression about the new look and feel. If we ignore the navigation, most of the pages are quite similar to what we had before, so there is no need to panic. Overall it has a sparser, cleaner look, which is more in keeping with the way the web is these days, so I think that’s a good thing. Anyone who has used Oracle Cloud will find the look very familiar. 🙂

I guess the biggest bonus of the new look and feel is it is more responsive. On some of the old pages you had a lot of sideways scrolling to do if you have a small browser window. The new look and feel deals a lot better with that. It’s not perfect, but it is better. So I’m giving the new look and feel a big thumbs-up too!

Being the bitter old man that I am, I reserve the right to change my mind and hate it all in the future. 🙂



Caveat: I use a very small subset of the functionality available from Cloud Control, so my opinion is going to be based on the bits I use a lot. It might be that other areas have been adversely affected by the new navigation or look and feel, but the bits I care about are looking good.